NYCGB members and singers everywhere, are invited to join the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain’s (NYO’s) socially distanced orchestra to sing along at the same time as NYO members play, to Beethoven’s Ode to Joy on your doorstep, dedicated to those who need it the most.

NYO are inviting members of NYCGB to take part and share in this experience, singing in the streets to spread joy, just as NYO are playing their instruments.

NYCGB’s 700 plus members are invited, at  5:00pm on Friday 17 April, along with NYO's 164 musicians, to throw open your windows, get out on your doorstep, and share your own 40 second performance of the well-known piece, dedicated to the people in society who need a musical pick-me-up at this time: our NHS staff, our key workers, or people who feel isolated in their homes.

How to take part: 

  • Download the pdf of Ode to Joy here, and learn it off by heart. You may choose to sing the English translation provided or to sing in your native tongue, whatever you feel most comfortable with. 
  • Think about who you want to dedicate your performance to: who needs a musical pick-me-up at this time?
  • At 4.58pm, go outside on your doorstep, into your front garden, or on your balcony, or in your front room with the windows wide open
  • At 4.59pm, share your dedication: hold up a sign, shout out who you'd like to perform for, or wear it on a t-shirt!
  • Get ready to sing on your doorstep, starting on the dot of 5.00pm
  • Sing your performance of Ode to Joy and ask someone in your household to film it (you don’t have to film your performance if you would just like to sing!)
  • Share your performance, tagging @NYO_GB and @NYCGB using the hashtag #NYOdetoJoy

Please note: Anyone who is over 13 and has a social media account is able to share a video, but anyone under 13 should ask their parents' permission to share via a parent’s account.

Find out more about the project by visiting NYO's website here