Learning & Engagement

Arts Award is a unique range of qualifications open to anyone up to the age of 25 designed to encourage and develop budding artists and arts leaders.

There are five levels, involving participation, skills development, leadership and even work experience. The levels are: DISCOVER, EXPLORE, BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD. Progress through the levels is recorded and presented in a log book or portfolio. There are no entry requirements, and no time limit.

National Youth Choir is an Arts Award supporter and we are keen to encourage schools and individuals to use our events and activities to complete their Arts Award.

For schools and groups

Did you know that your group can Take part, Listen and Find out for their Arts Award with National Youth Choir?

Take part

  • DISCOVER | EXPLORE | BRONZE Take part in one of our Ready Steady Sing! workshops.


  • BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD Attend and review one of our concerts, pop-up performances or even the sharing at the end of one of our workshops

Find out 

  • DISCOVER | EXPLORE Find out more about National Youth Choir at one of our workshops, open events or simply through our website.
  • EXPLORE | BRONZE Find out about an artist who National Youth Choir is collaborating with this season. We can provide support for the research.

If you’d like to bring a group to one of our concerts, contact us to find out if we can offer you a group discount or free tickets.

For National Youth Choir members

There are many ways in which members of our choirs can use their experiences with National Youth Choir to support their Arts Award, for example: 

Take part 

  • BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD Take part in one of our residential courses.


  • BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD Attend & review one of our concerts or pop-up performances.

Find out

  • BRONZE Find out about an artist who National Youth Choir is collaborating with this season. We can support you with your research.

National Youth Choir courses and projects also offer you lots of opportunities to extend your skills & collaborate, to work with professionals and to pass on your skills to others.

If you’d like to find out more about how National Youth Choir can support your Arts Award, please contact Katie Lodge (Learning & Engagement Manager) on [email protected] or 0191 383 7348